PXG Fitting – Black Ops

To register click here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=15121460&calendarID=9830706

Mizuno Fitting Day

Mizuno Fitting Day on Thursday, May 16th from 1:00-5:30 with six 45-minute appointments. Sign up at https://mizunogolffitting.as.me/?location=The%20National%20Golf%20Club%20of%20Louisiana%20-%20Westlake%2C%20LA

The Brothers of Houston

June 18th start time 12pm and 19th start time 8am shot gun. This is a closed tournament.

Golf Course Aerification

Aerification has been moved from june 12th to June 24th. Course will be closed except for the Summer Camp

Diamond Corporate Pass Inquiry

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